John's Bio

"The greatest treasure-trove of unfulfileld dreams in this world are often found buried in the cemetery"-quote by an Anonymous poet

How true this quote is! and how determined am i to see the reality of God's Will spoken through His dreams in me being fulfilled! This is life's sweetest joy, the greatest thing anyone could see come to pass in his or her life time before they pass on to eternity..

I'm a 20 year old guy, with a high forehead and a banana-shaped face, who has just graduated with a Diploma in Business IT from Temasek Polytechnic. I am due to serve my National Service in Jul 14 very soon, and am working full time as a tele-receptionist somewhere.

I belong to Generations Youth Ministry, and am a Gener who wears the colors of Cornerstone Community Church. I know that i'll one day see people in South-East Asia begin to be handled Bibles on the streets and to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour!

I have vast IT experience, from refurbishing old computers for sale, creating online systems for companies such as the Cyber Sports Association of Singapore,to making money on the Internet. In fact, i'm the unofficial Singapore representative of
Hits4pay, the internet's premier Paid to Read Email program since 1998. I'm quite a risk-taker,and am always tinkering and brooding about with creative food ideas such as the infamous Oreo Blended Fruit Cocktail Blended Agar-Agar.

Ok.. That's so much about me. But most importantly, Jesus Christ is the King over all my life, and that settles every breathe i take, every move i make. I'm constantly inflamed with a burning desire for winning souls for Christ and seeing disciples raised amongst the youths in Singapore, and the following verse drives me:

Matt 28:19-20, "Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And lo, I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

So, hope that tells you who I am. Thanks for dropping by! I so appreciate it!

Posted byjohn leow at 9:26 AM


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