Age Key Discovered..How to calculate your age in x yrs quickly..

While doddling around with a calculator and notepad yesterday at work in the night shift calculating how many days its been since i got saved in church, I accidentally discovered a very useful mathematical equation!

Its called the Age Key Concept(my coined term..), and it will help anyone calculate their age in any year to come quickly! Say i wanna know how old i'll be in 2050, and i'm born in 1987,knowing Age key is a simple solution to solve that question!

Here's the formula:

Your Age in year x=Age Key + last three digits of year x

Computation for Age Key in 2 steps:

Get the raw age key:

If you're born before 2000:

Take the last three digits of year you were born in, and subtract them from 0 to get your age when you were born . Meaning:

I'm born in 1987..

0-987= -987 (raw age key)

That's my age key in 1987, but it doesn't make sense, so i have to flip it into a correspondding positive number:

Then take 1000+(-987)= 13.-> Age Key

There you go.. That is your Age Key!

Now, i want to know how old i'll be in 2050, so all i need to do is to apply the formula above:

Age in year x=Age Key + last three digits of year x

Age in Year X=13+050= 63 years old.

The Age key serves as a very simple tool for you to calculate your age anytime between the year 2000 to 2999. If you're born in 2000 or after, the calcualtion is exactly the same, except you're raw age key is negative, and it is also your final Age Key.

Say i'm born in 2001:

Age Key=0-001=-1

Age in 2050= 050+(-1)=49 years old.

So if someone asks you offhand how old you'll be in future, just use the Age Key formula and you'll get your answer quickly!

I don't have a knack for mathematics, but i accidentally discovered this concept while doddling with the years i've lived. So you'll never know, the next senseless thing you do can bring out another great discovery!

Posted byjohn leow at 8:10 AM


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